

Having roots in the South of the United States as well as Liberia and being raised in international contexts, my motley of cultural experiences are the foundation of my work. I believe poetry is a form of healing, and, through its writing and reading, we encounter our rawest selves - a self that is emotional, spiritual, and intellectual without inhibition. By traversing topics such as mental illness, toxic relationships, racism, sexism, philosophy, and spirituality (whew!), I wrestle with the darkest corners of human existence and the current problems that plague our societies. In my journey from darkness to light, I found Islam, which I believe to be the answer to soul sickness. Since then, Islamic principles have been central to my identity. However, my message of hope, love, and light after darkness is universal, serving, first and foremost, the marginalized.

Why do I use 'nyenekondoe'?

This is my African name. Using it is a form of restoration. It is pronounced "nyeh-neh-kon." There is power in reclaiming names, especially in a world where we are asked to conform to what is easier. I choose to reclaim mine. 



Doe graduated in 2020 with a B.A. in English from Case Western Reserve University. She fell in love with the written and spoken word at a young age, but got involved in the poetry scene later in college. In 2018, she published her first collection of poetry Nightmare. on Amazon Kindle. Along with poetry, she writes essays, articles, and short stories, posting her articles on Medium.com. She teaches English on Preply.com and teaches Spanish. Doe is a lover of languages, currently studying Spanish, Japanese, and Arabic. She resides in Cleveland, OH.